test reports in different environments

Products test reports

We put our products to the test in various environments to demonstrate their oustanding performances even in the harshest conditions.

Home Products test reports

The pilars of a test report

An unbiased report is critical for validating performance and ensuring the integrity of systems relying on inertial navigation, sensors, or related technologies. Here are the five key pillars of an objective inertial test report:

Clear test objectives Clearly state the goals of the test
A detailed methodology Test setup, procedures, data acquisition, and environment conditions
A comprehensive data presentation Show raw data, processed results, and comparative analysis
A rigorous interpretation spot errors analysis and performance metrics
A structurate report Structurate in detailed sections, references, and appendices

AHRS tests

Our Ellipse AHRS has undergone extensive testing in real-world environments to assess its performance in Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) mode, using only magnetometers and no GNSS.

We conducted a series of dynamic and static tests to demonstrate the reliability and accuracy of our AHRS solution in a variety of environments. Some tests were conducted under challenging conditions, including high dynamic motion and magnetic disturbances, to push the system to its limits and evaluate its robustness and reliability in these environments.

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Bathymetric tests

Our products have been tested during a three-day lasting hydrographic survey in the Hamburg (Germany) port area. SBG Systems and MacArtney Germany equipped a survey vessel with a complete Multibeam Echosounder survey configuration and conducted various tests to show the performance of the SBG Inertial Systems in different challenging environments.

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Airborne test reports

There’s a culture of innovation at SBG Systems, so when the idea was formulated for an intense flight to evaluate the performance of our Ellipse and Quanta Micro in real-life conditions, there wasn’t any hesitation.

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Automotive test reports

Quanta Micro, Ekinox Micro and Ellipse have been extensively tested in various GNSS environments including open skies, medium urban areas, and urban canyons. The results consistently showed exceptional data quality. All the sensors exceeded their specified performance, even in challenging scenarios.

test reports in different environments