OEM inertial sensors: unmatched performance for motion & navigation

Our OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Inertial Systems are tailored to fit specific requirements and are often used in industries where space requirement is critical, such as aerospace, automotive, marine, and unmanned systems.

Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, OEM navigation systems provide a high degree of integration, allowing manufacturers to optimize performance, footprint, and reliability for their particular application. This deep integration ensures that the navigation system can handle the unique challenges of the environment in which it operates, whether that be in the air, on land, or at sea.

For different applications we deliver multiples OEM solutions such as Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) with state-of-the-art GNSS technology, providing seamless and accurate motion and positioning data.

OEM Inertial Measurement Units

Our OEM Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) are designed with deep and easy integrations with your products in mind. They integrates three or more gyroscopes and accelerometers, delivering precise measurements and reliable data in challenging environments, thanks. We developed cutting-edge OEM sensors designed to excel in demanding applications.
Ellipse Micro IMU Unit Checkmedia Right

Ellipse Micro IMU

Ellipse Micro IMU is an Inertial Measurement Unit that can be used for high performance motion monitoring.
Industrial grade IMU ± 1000 °/s Gyro range 14 μg In run bias instability 0.03 m/s/√h Random Walk
Ellipse Micro IMU
Pulse 40 IMU Unit Checkmedia Right


Pulse-40 IMU is ideal for critical applications. Make no compromise between size, performance, and reliability.
Tactical grade IMU 0.08°/√h noise gyro 6µg accelerometers 12-gram, 0.3 W

Pulse-80 (preview)

Pulse-80 is a premium tactical-grade IMU, engineered for applications demanding compact size and minimal weight without any compromise on performance.
Tactical grade IMU 0.05°/√h Noise gyro 6µg Accelerometers 250 gram, 2 W
Pulse-80 (preview)

OEM Attitude and Heading Reference Systems

Our OEM Attitude and Heading Reference Systems sensors are optimized for easy and deep integration into your product, making them ideal for demanding environments such as aerospace, marine, and autonomous systems, where size matters. With a range of communication protocols, our AHRS make integration with other systems seamless, whether for navigation, stabilization, or motion compensation.
OEM Ellipse A AHRS Unit Right

Ellipse Micro AHRS

Ellipse Micro AHRS additionally runs an Extended Kalman Filter to provide Roll, Pitch, Heading, and Heave.
AHRS Only 10 g 5 cm Heave 0.1 ° Roll and Pitch
Ellipse Micro AHRS
Ellipse A AHRS OEM Unit Right

OEM Ellipse-A

OEM Ellipse-A delivers high-performance orientation and heave in a cost-effective AHRS, with precise magnetic calibration and robust temperature tolerance.
Motion Sensor High-performance AHRS Heave: 5 cm or 5 % 0.8 ° Magnetic Heading
OEM Ellipse-A

OEM Inertial Navigation Systems

Our OEM Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) solutions are designed to seamlessly and deeply integrate into your products, delivering the high-precision navigation and orientation data that your application deserve. Whether you’re developing cutting-edge drones, robotics, or autonomous systems, our OEM INS provide the essential foundation for flawless performance  in a compact size.

Take a look at our INS solutions that enable your innovations to achieve greater precision and accuracy.
Quanta Micro INS Unit Right

Quanta Micro

Quanta Micro is a GNSS aided Inertial Navigation System designed for space constrained applications (OEM package). Based on a survey grade IMU for optimal heading performance in single antenna applications, and high immunity to vibrating environments.
INS Internal GNSS single/dual antenna 0.06 ° Heading 0.02 ° Roll & Pitch
Quanta Micro
Quanta Plus INS Unit Right

Quanta Plus

Quanta Plus combines a tactical IMU with a high-performance GNSS receiver to get reliable position and attitude, even in harshest GNSS environments. It is a small, lightweight, and high-performance product that can be easily integrated into survey systems with LiDAR or other third-party sensors.
INS Internal GNSS single/dual antenna 0.03 ° Heading 0.02 ° Roll & Pitch
Quanta Plus
Quanta Extra INS Unit Right

Quanta Extra

Quanta Extra embeds high-end gyroscopes and accelerometers in the most compact form factor. It also integrates an RTK GNSS receiver providing a centimetric position. Bring the highest precision to your Mobile Mapping Solution!
INS Internal GNSS single/dual antenna 0.03 ° Heading 0.008 ° Roll & Pitch
Quanta Extra
OEM Ellipse D INS Unit Right

OEM Ellipse-E

OEM Ellipse-E offers precise navigation by integrating with external GNSS and sensors, delivering roll, pitch, heading, heave, and position data.
Inertial Navigation System External GNSS 0.05 ° Roll & Pitch (RTK) 0.2 ° RTK Heading
OEM Ellipse-E
OEM Ellipse N INS Unit Right

OEM Ellipse-N

OEM Ellipse-N is a compact, high-performance RTK GNSS system offering precise centimeter-level positioning and robust navigation in dynamic, harsh conditions.
Inertial Navigation System Single Antenna RTK INS 0.05 ° RTK Roll/Pitch 0.2 ° RTK Heading
OEM Ellipse-N
OEM Ellipse D INS Unit Right

OEM Ellipse-D

OEM Ellipse-D is the smallest Inertial Navigation System with dual-antenna GNSS, offering precise heading and centimeter-level accuracy in any condition.
Inertial Navigation System Dual Antenna RTK INS 0.05 ° RTK Roll/Pitch 0.2 ° RTK Heading
OEM Ellipse-D

Advantages of choosing our OEM inertial sensors

Manufactured in our facility in France, each IMU undergoes rigorous dynamic calibration.

All our sensors are calibrated to operate between -40 °C and 85 °C to ensure quality and highly consistent data across various environments, including land, marine, and aerospace operations.

Our products are delivered with a detailed calibration report to guarantee accurate and dependable data in any condition.