Discover Apogee Series

Apogee Series is a line of high performance and highly versatile MEMS inertial navigation systems.
The Apogee line is divided in a comprehensive set of three sensors: an AHRS, an INS with external GNSS receiver and an INS that embeds a dual antenna, triple frequency survey grade GNSS receiver.

Home Apogee Series

Apogee product range

Our product range offers a comprehensive suite of high-performance and versatile inertial navigation solutions. Apogee Series was thoughtfully designed to meet diverse application needs, featuring distinct options.

Discover everything you need to know about all Apogee versions.

Apogee A AHRS Unit Right


The Apogee-A is based on the robust and cost-effective MEMS technology and provides precise orientation and heave data.
AHRS GNSS Heading (external) 5 cm Heave 0.008 ° Roll and Pitch
Apogee E INS Unit Right


The Apogee-E version is an INS that provides accurate orientation in dynamic conditions as well as heave, surge and sway data.
INS External GNSS receiver 5 cm Heave 0.008 ° Roll & Pitch
Apogee D INS Unit Right


Apogee-D is an all-in-one INS/GNSS which embeds an RTK and PPP ready GNSS receiver for applications where space is critical but high performance required.
INS Internal GNSS dual antenna 0.008 ° Roll & Pitch 0.02 ° Heading