SBG Inertial Navigation Systems in Hydrographic Applications
© MacArtney Germany GmbH

Motion Sensor Calibration Field:

3D Model

3D Visualization of the survey area for the motion sensor calibration, based on motion and trajectory data of the SBG Horizon. The interface includes the survey line, the computed bathymetry, quality indicating layers and topographic features.
The SBG Inertial Navigation Systems have been tested during a three days lasting hydrographic survey in the Hamburg (Germany) port area. SBG Systems and MacArtney Germany GmbH equipped a survey vessel with a complete Multibeam Echosounder survey configuration and conducted various tests to proof the performance of the SBG Inertial Systems in conditioning environments. The sensors tested were the Horizon , Apogee , Ekinox (Navsight Marine Series) and Ellipse . Raw INS data were logged in real-time and merged with MBES data from the Reson SeaBat 725 within the acquisition software Teledyne PDS . Hydrographic data were post-processed and filtered with BeamWorx AutoClean , INS data have been processed using SBG Qinertia . 3D Models and interactive webmaps, including each INS based bathymetric computation and related quality layers, have been created with GIS software and layouted with JavaScript. The evaluation of the results includes the calibration results and bathymetric data, trajectories and quality indicators, focusing on the motion and positioning performance of the INS in different scenarios like underbridge and channel surveys (GNSS outages) or facing strong swells. Also the improvement of survey results due to loosely and tightly coupled post-processing of raw INS logs will be presented. Results of the testing scenarios are listed below:

Calibration Reports/ Offsets

Calibration reports and advised mounting angles for each SBG Inertial System. Reports are derived from the Patching software BeamworX Autopatch. Offsets for each sensor for the vessel configuration and the sensor setup have been measured during an alignment survey and evaluated using Cremer Caplan.
Test of the new PPP processing mode in Qinertia. Bathymetric surfaces and quality layers have been computed on basis of RTK (real-time) and PPP (post- processing) INS solutions.

Inertial Tests:

Elbbrücken Webmap

Webmap of the river surface of the Elbe along the pillars of the Elbbrücken and bathymetric quality measures plus trajectories. Reference for the Difference surfaces is a tightly coupled Horizon solution. The compare sensor is a high-end fiber-optic system.

Elbbrücken 3D Model

3D Visualization of the Bathymetry below the Elbbrücken in Hamburg, based on trajectory data of the SBG Horizon. The interface includes the survey line, the computed bathymetry, quality indicating layers and topographic features.

Speicherstadt Webamp

Webmap of the river surface of the Elbe along the channels of the Speicherstadt and bathymetric quality measures plus trajectories. Reference for the Difference surfaces is a tightly coupled Horizon solution. The compare sensor is a high-end fibre-optic system.

Speicherstadt 3D Model

3D Visualization of the Bathymetry along the channels of the Speicherstadt, based on trajectory data of the SBG Horizon. The interface includes the survey line, the computed bathymetry, quality indicating layers and topographic features.

Hamburg Docks Webmap

Hamburg Docks 3D Model

3D Visualization of the Bathymetry of the Elbe next to the Docks of the Hamburg Harbour, based on trajectory data of the SBG Horizon. The interface includes the survey line, the computed bathymetry, quality indicating layers and topographic features.
Webmap of the river surface of the Elbe next to the Docks of the Hamburg Harbour and bathymetric quality measures plus trajectory. During this test dynamic motion patterns, due to swells induced by ships passing the vessel, have been recorded. Reference for the Difference surfaces is a real-time fiber-optic sensor solution.

Motion Tests:

8 Figure/ Heading Webmap

Webmap of the river surface of the Elbe during an „8“ Figure manoeuvre and bathymetric quality measures plus trajectory. This manoeuvre is conditioning especially regarding the heading performance of the sensors. Reference for the Difference surfaces is a real- time fiber-optic sensor solution.

8 Figure/ Heading 3D Model

3D Visualization of the Bathymetry of the Elbe during an „8“ Figure manoeuvre, based on trajectory data of the SBG Horizon. The interface includes the survey line, the computed bathymetry, quality indicating layers and topographic features.

Underbridge 180° Turn Webmap

Webmap of the river surface of the Elbe along the Elbbrücken and bathymetric quality measures plus trajectories. The survey contains a full 180° turn during a complete RTK outage. Reference for the Difference surfaces and the compare system is a post-processed fiber-optic sensor solution.

Precise Point Positioning Test