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Marine & bathymetric test

Our Inertial Navigation Systems have been tested during a three-day lasting hydrographic survey in the Hamburg (Germany) port area. SBG Systems and MacArtney Germany GmbH equipped a survey vessel with a complete Multibeam Echosounder survey configuration and conducted various tests to show the performance of the SBG Inertial Systems in different challenging environments. Explore our marine bathymetric test.

Test conditions

A Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) survey is a method used to map the underwater environment with high precision. This technology employs multiple sonar beams to create detailed, accurate maps of the seafloor, underwater structures, and other submerged features.

Raw INS data were logged in real-time and merged with MBES data from the RESON SeaBat 7125 within the acquisition software Teledyne PDS. Hydrographic data were post-processed and filtered with BeamWorx AutoClean, INS data have been processed using SBG Qinertia. The reference is the tightly coupled Horizon high-end fiber optic solution.

Thank you MacArtney Germany for their help.

Calibration procedure

Calibration based on motion and trajectory data of the SBG Horizon.

The interface includes the survey line, the computed bathymetry, quality indicating layers and topographic features.

Calibration and results bathymetry

Calibration reports and results

SBG Inertial Navigation Systems were tested during a three-day hydrographic survey in Hamburg, Germany. SBG Systems and MacArtney Germany GmbH equipped a survey vessel with a complete Multibeam Echosounder configuration to assess INS performance in challenging conditions.

The tested sensors included Horizon, Apogee, Ekinox (Navsight Marine Series), and Ellipse. The team logged raw INS data in real-time and merged it with MBES data from the Reson SeaBat 725 using Teledyne PDS.

They post-processed and filtered hydrographic data with Beam Worx AutoClean, while Qinertia handled INS data processing. GIS software generated 3D models and interactive web maps, displaying INS-based bathymetric computations and quality layers. JavaScript was used to format layouts. The evaluation covered calibration results, bathymetric data, trajectories, and quality indicators, focusing on motion and positioning performance.

Tests included under-bridge and channel surveys with GNSS outages and operations in strong swells. The study also analyzed survey improvements from loosely and tightly coupled post-processing of raw INS logs.