Defense applications

Inertial systems are a critical component of modern defense technology, enabling navigation, guidance, and stabilization with accuracy and reliability. Designed to perform in harsh conditions, our sensors deliver precise inertial measurements even in high-vibration environments with very low noise.

From missile guidance and unmanned aerial systems to naval stabilization and ground-based vehicle navigation, inertial systems play a vital role in ensuring mission success. Their ability to operate independently of external signals, such as GPS, makes them indispensable in contested or signal-denied environments, meeting the rigorous demands of today’s defense applications.

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Our solutions for your defense applications

Our inertial solutions suits a wide range of applications, providing inertial measurement data for aerospace, land systems, and maritime applications.
Their versatility and reliability make them critical to success in these demanding markets.

Pointing and stabilization

Our sensors provide outstanding gyroscopic stabilization and antenna pointing mechanism for defense applications.

Precision guided munitions

Discover our tactical and industrial grade IMU solutions for guided munitions, delivering robust motion data for ammunition control and navigation.

UAV inertial navigation

Integrating inertial sensors into unmanned aerial vehicles is now crucial for maintaining PNT capabilities and ensuring national security in contested battle spaces.

Loitering munitions

Our inertial navigation systems ensure that Loitering Munitions systems have the actionable intelligence and precision necessary for mission success.

Unmanned ground vehicles

UGV navigation systems rely on a combination of sensors, algorithms, and external inputs to guide them through complex terrains or execute mission-specific tasks.

Unmanned surface vehicles

Inertial Navigation Systems are vital for the functioning of Unmanned Surface Vehicles. They provide the necessary technology for autonomous and remote-controlled navigation of vessels over water.