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Case studies

Discover how our innovative inertial technology solutions are making a difference in real-world applications. Our case studies showcase practical examples of how we’ve tackled complex challenges, delivering precise navigation, motion tracking, and advanced performance across a range of industries.


Formula student driverless team choose Ellipse-N

Autonomous vehicle


Perfect accuracy and efficiency in LiDAR mapping with Quanta Micro

LiDAR mapping

Leo Drive

Ellipse powers autonomous vehicles innovation

Autonomous vehicles navigation

Metro Weather

Optimization of high-precision observations of wind conditions


Discover our applications

Each case highlights the unique challenges our clients faced, the solutions we tailored together, and the successful outcomes achieved. These case studies demonstrate the potential of inertial technology to transform projects into reality.

Application : Category
Solutions : Category

Bike speed world record beaten with Ellipse-N

Real time positioning

Eric Barone The Baron Rouge Breaks Record
The Office of Naval Research MIZ

Wave measurement in the arctic sea

Instrumented buoy

Wave Buoy Artic Sea

Ellipse-N, the INS/GNSS used for autonomous racing car

Autonomous vehicles

AMZ Racing Car INS
WSA Berlin

Inertial Navigation System for Mapping under Bridges


Mapping Under Bridges
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