Discover Apogee Series

Apogee Series is a line of high performance and highly versatile MEMS inertial navigation systems.
The Apogee line divides into a comprehensive set of three sensors: an AHRS, an INS with an external GNSS receiver, and an INS that embeds a dual antenna, triple-frequency survey-grade GNSS receiver.

Home Apogee Series

Highly accurate inertial navigation systems

Our Apogee Series integrates the latest technology to deliver impressive orientation and navigation accuracy for real time and post-processing operations. From shallow to deep water surveys the Apogee is ideal for multibeam sonar compensation with its ultra low noise measurements. It provides realtime heave that adjusts auto automatically to the Sea condition and delayed heave for higher accuracy.

It is the right choice for aerial mapping, remote sensing and photogrammetry with stable outputs even in vibrating and difficult conditions.

The Apogee series makes high accuracy INS affordable for all surveyors.

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Apogee product range

Our product range offers a comprehensive suite of high-performance and versatile inertial navigation solutions. The Apogee Series offers distinct options and is thoughtfully designed to meet diverse application needs.
Discover everything you need to know about all Apogee versions.

Apogee A AHRS Unit Right


The Apogee-A is based on the robust and cost-effective MEMS technology and provides precise orientation and heave data.
AHRS GNSS Heading (external) 5 cm Heave 0.008 ° Roll and Pitch
Apogee E INS Unit Right


The Apogee-E version is an INS that provides accurate orientation in dynamic conditions as well as heave, surge and sway data.
INS External GNSS receiver 5 cm Heave 0.008 ° Roll & Pitch
Apogee D INS Unit Right


Apogee-D is an all-in-one INS/GNSS which embeds an RTK and PPP ready GNSS receiver for applications where space is critical but high performance required.
INS Internal GNSS single/dual antenna 0.008 ° Roll & Pitch 0.02 ° Heading